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May 20th - May 26th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Corrupt Parties and Oppressed Opposition

During the examined week, the main narrative was the negative treatment of the Russian speakers in Latvia, as well as the portrayal of the coalition parties as elitist or corrupt.

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October 9th - October 15th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Historical Narratives, Migration Concerns, and Economic Alliances

This week continued to explore previously addressed topics such as the Istanbul Convention, corruption, and illegal migration on Latvia's eastern border, but without the predominance of COVID-19 content seen in previous months. The narratives remain deeply negative and critical towards the Latvian government, focusing particularly on allegations of corruption.

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October 2nd - October 8th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Border Security Concerns, Linguistic Polarization, and Political Critique

In this week, the disinformation primarily addressed domestic issues, such as polarization between Latvian and Russian speakers, the ratification of the Istanbul convention, and the influx of illegal migrants at the eastern border of Latvia. Content on Twitter reached a significantly lower audience compared to other platforms, with video content showing higher levels of engagement.

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