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April 1st - April 7th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Economic decline and price increases

This week, most of the posts focused on the economy and taxes saying that the continuous economic decline and price increases are caused by the growing tax prices and new taxes, as well as the politician's incompetency with knowing how to help the economy that is in crisis.

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March 25th - March 31st, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in NATO

Over the past week, Kremlin-affiliated media in Lithuania saw the highest engagement with stories focused on domestic events. Lithuania celebrated a notable 20th anniversary as a NATO member during the reporting period;

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March 18th - March 24th, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Search for the new Minister of Defence 

This week, domestic issues dominated the stories, with the most engagement within Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania. Pro-Kremlin outlets continued to explore the resignation of the former Minister of National Defence Arvydas Anušauskas more deeply, using it to criticise the government further, present various theories about why it happened, and review the possible candidates for the post. Discussions about the upcoming war were also present within the malign media: many of the articles discussed the subject of NATO sending troops to Ukraine and openly stated that war with Russia is simply inevitable; it just depends on what agreements will be reached during negotiations with Russia and what the outcome of the current war will be for Lithuania.

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March 11th - March 17th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Russia and European Parliament elections

In the examined week, content primarily surrounded themes of corruption mainly relating to the former prime minister and current foreign minister Krisjanis Karins and Russia concerning potential threats from Russia, trade with Russia, and communication from the government regarding these issues as well as the treatment of Russian diaspora in Latvia. The narratives of corruption and harmful treatment of the Russian diaspora in Latvia have been present in the prior examined months, whereas the argument on Latvia to retain some form of economic cooperation with Russia resulted from an initiative in the parliament to ban all such activities. When comparing the audience's response regarding similar content concerning the treatment of the Russian diaspora in Latvia on different platforms (Facebook and Twitter), the engagement reached on Twitter is noticeably more critical, calling out the author's logistical inconsistencies and misrepresentation of facts.

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