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February 12th - February 18th, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Weekly: Death of Alexei Navalny and undermining trust in NATO

Kremlin-aligned media outlets broadly commented on NATO and its possible faith. Outlets emphasised the questionable future of the organisation if Trump becomes the President, foreseeing that "it would be over for NATO". Outlets also pictured Ukraine's victory as impossible and ensured that "US and Europe have lost the war to Russia in Ukraine, and Crimea and Donbas will remain Russian territories". Outlets also speculated the reasons behind the death of “the US-funded and Western-praised” Alexei Navalny, seeking conspiracy theories of whom to blame and calling him “a Western puppet”.

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January 29th - February 4th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Tucker Carlson, Biden and Putin

This week there were many more posts about the Estonian economy and the government being the one causing it because of the way they spend.  This week the poverty was blamed on the many officials in the Estonian government.  There were several posts about Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, one in which the poster wondered how an interview with President Biden would have gone, claiming that he would not even be able to understand the questions, much less answer them.  There was also a post listing the countries that owe their existence to Russia, which did not follow historical fact, and the poster stated that half of the world owes their existence to Russia and if the Russian government had ideas that were more similar to the west that many countries would join a Russian society of nations.

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January 22nd - January 28th, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Farmers’ protest takes over in Vilnius

Lithuanian Radio and Television worked with other supporters of Ukraine to launch a second iteration of last year’s successful pro-Ukrainian RADAROM! simultaneously, posts by Kremlin-aligned actors criticising this campaign emerged online, actively diminishing support for Ukraine. Moreover, during this reporting period, a large protest by farmers occurred in the Vilnius city centre. They brought their demands to Vilnius, lining the city’s main boulevard with around 1,300 pieces of heavy agricultural machinery. Kremlin-aligned media emphasised the ignorance and incompetence of the ruling officials. Once again, a large-scale event in Lithuania has become fertile soil for Kremlin-aligned actors to spread anti-government narratives. 

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January 22nd - January 28th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: High living expenses and rightful actions of Russian Military

This week, posters were mostly focused on the Estonian economy, with posts focusing on taxes and tax brackets, which according to them, impact the average citizen more than the rich.  Some posts wrote about the politicians giving the rich people more leniency.  There were also many posts about the high electricity bills and cost of living in Estonia, and how this was all caused by Kaya Kallas and her parliament.  Finally, the Russian embassy in Estonia shared a post from January which tells about Ukraine's attempt to have Russia labelled and aggressor state.  The post mentioned that this attempt was unsuccessful, and flipped the narrative around, claiming that Ukraine was targeting civilian areas, while the Russian army was only targeting miliary targets.

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