Latvia Weekly: Kremlin Narratives Paint Latvia as a Failing State
During the monitoring period Kremlin-aligned and local conspiracy Telegram channels spread disinformation about Latvia, falsely portraying it as a failed state through narratives about high prices, alleged lack of democracy, alleged healthcare issues, and fabricated claims about US diplomatic services.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Farmers Voice Concerns Over EU Regulations
Latvian farmers are raising concerns about the European Union’s agricultural policies, which they argue have burdened the industry with excessive bureaucracy. Critics say that these regulations hinder productivity and place additional strain on an already challenging sector.
Read moreEstonia Weekly: Allegations of Corruption and Inequality
This week saw strong anti-government sentiment, with claims that Estonia and the West are propaganda tools for Ukraine. Most posts focused on the 2025 budget, alleging tax increases for the poor and cuts for the wealthy, alongside accusations of European Parliament corruption and police inaction.
Read moreEstonia Weekly: Escalating Anti-Government Sentiment and Disinformation
In the reporting week, anti-government sentiment in Estonia surged, with criticism of the economy and claims that politicians, including Tallinn’s mayor, were breaking promises. Reports also surfaced alleging Ukraine’s use of disguised bioweapons and some Estonian media calling for the genocide of Russians, heightening social tensions.
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