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March 18th - March 24th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly:  Voting rights and economic depression

This week, there were many posts claiming that the Estonian government wants to remove the voting rights of Russians and Belorussians and change the constitution to be able to do that.

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February 26th - March 3rd, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Macron and Schools

This week, many posts focused on Kai Kallas's reaction to the French President's speech on Ukraine and her willingness to send Estonians into the war for Ukraine. There were also posts about shutting down some schools and the loss of teachers' jobs, as well as about school janitors and cafeteria workers being required to speak Estonian at an A2 level and how that is not helpful or useful. Finally, there continue to be posts regarding the Estonian economy and Kai Kalla's and the government's reactions and actions toward it.

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February 19th - February 25th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Military commitments and foreign policy

This week, many posts focused on Kai Kallas's reaction to the French President's speech on Ukraine and her willingness to send Estonians into the war for Ukraine. There were also posts about shutting down some schools and the loss of teachers' jobs, as well as about school janitors and cafeteria workers being required to speak Estonian at an A2 level and how that is not helpful or useful. Finally, there continue to be posts regarding the Estonian economy and Kai Kalla's and the government's reactions and actions toward it.

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October 16th - October 22nd, 2023 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Global Security, Anti-government Sentiments, and New Fundraisers

Alongside mainstream/independent media coverage of ongoing events and widely discussed topics, Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania further promoted the anti-government narrative. Almost all top stories from this type of media covered the work of the ruling government or specific politicians, as well the prioritisation of Ukraine over domestic issues. Hostile media not only continued to undermine Lithuania’s ongoing support for Ukraine, but also asked rhetorical questions about the need for humanitarian support elsewhere following the Hamas attacks on Israel, such as “how long will we have to wait until another fundraiser will appear to take our money?”. 

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