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March 18th - March 24th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly:  Voting rights and economic depression

This week, there were many posts claiming that the Estonian government wants to remove the voting rights of Russians and Belorussians and change the constitution to be able to do that.

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November 13th - November 19th, 2023 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Discrimination of Russian Speakers and Ukraine

This week primarily maintained the topics of economic situation, national language policy in Estonian schools and war in Ukraine. Also, the matters of European Union affairs are rather important, this week focusing on the question of veto rights for the EU member countries

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October 2nd - October 8th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Border Security Concerns, Linguistic Polarization, and Political Critique

In this week, the disinformation primarily addressed domestic issues, such as polarization between Latvian and Russian speakers, the ratification of the Istanbul convention, and the influx of illegal migrants at the eastern border of Latvia. Content on Twitter reached a significantly lower audience compared to other platforms, with video content showing higher levels of engagement.

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September 25th - October 1st, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Vaccine Anxiety, Education Fears, and Pension Discontent

The majority of content continues to focus on COVID-19, specifically the anxiety surrounding mandatory vaccines. Content in Latvian language reaches a smaller audience compared to Russian, but garners more comments. Interestingly, the same content is received differently by Latvian and Russian-speaking audiences; Latvian responses are more critical, while Russian responses are predominantly supportive.​​

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