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July 8th - July 14th, 2024 by Vukasin Jockovic

Latvia Weekly: RailBaltica and Bombings in Ukraine

During the examined week the primary narratives surrounded domestic issues alleging incompetence and corruption of the current government in relation to RailBaltica.

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June 3rd - June 9th, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: European Parliament Election

Lithuanian media with a pro-Kremlin bias focused heavily on domestic issues this week.

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June 3rd - June 9th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: TV Debates and European Elections

During this week, many posts and articles discussed the European Parliament votes and how TV debates have become propagandised by giving wins to different parties than those who received public support.

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May 6th - May 12th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: The Green Deal and Migration

During the examined week the present disinformation narratives were similar to those of prior weeks with the main focus being on the European Union.

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