Latvia Weekly: Telegram Channels Exploit Trump to Undermine Baltic Security
Kremlin-aligned Telegram channels are pushing narratives that target Baltic states by depicting them as dependent on the United States, while simultaneously using Trump's statements to undermine NATO solidarity and regional security. The channels promote a conspiracy theory about the US military-industrial complex controlling Trump, while characterizing US-Baltic relationships as corrupt arrangements built on "cozy schemes." These messages are complemented by local actors who leverage Trump's positions to advance anti-LGBTQ messaging, COVID-19 conspiracies, and criticism of Latvia's independent media and government.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Telegram Channels Use Trump to Undermine NATO and Baltics
Kremlin-aligned Telegram channels are using Trump's image to advance anti-Western narratives, portraying NATO and Baltic States as aggressors while framing Trump's presidency as a victory against liberal values. The messaging characterizes defensive actions by Baltic states - from military spending to infrastructure projects and NATO cooperation - as aggressive provocations, while portraying the Baltic states as American puppets whose interests will be marginalized under Trump in favor of Russian ones.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Media and Trump
In the examined week, the content surrounded domestic issues such as corruption and media funding and international topics such as the upcoming US elections, NATO and assistance for Ukraine. Most notably, there is a highly critical view of the capabilities and the effectiveness of NATO, which were also prominent in the prior two weeks. The reasoning for such claims is rooted in the unwillingness of other NATO states to help in the case of an attack. Regarding content, the leading platform remains TikTok which garners the most engagement and there is a significant decrease in engagement with content published on Facebook. Although some of the examined content creators are increasingly more active on Twitter/X, engagement remains low.
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