Latvia Weekly: Corruption and Hate towards LGBTQ
In the examined week similarly as prior weeks the content was centered around domestic issues with main narratives being corruption within the Latvian government, the life quality level and the issue of Russian language use. The topic of Istanbul Convention or Covid-19 which have been prominent in the prior weeks is being less discussed with less content adressing the issues. Moreover, content which does adress the latter topics is receiving significantly less engagement as before. In regard to overall engagement, similarly as prior weeks the comment sections are significantly more critical by calling out the author on not refering to legitimate sources or overall being logically inconsistent. The form of the content that reaches the highest engagement remains to be in video format.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Scandinavian Banks, Private Planes and Flu Epidemic
Main narratives: Overview: From the findings of the examined week the content mainly surrounds domestic controversies especially concerning corruption. The main topic remains the private airplane flights taken by the ex prime minister Krišjānis Kariņš. Other topics include Scandinavian banks and Covid-19 however they are not widespread amongst all of the channels examined. Contrary to…
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Domestic Violence and Corruption
From the findings of the examined week, there is a noticeable trend of the topic of the Istanbul Convention being decreasingly addressed in comparison to the prior weeks especially weeks leading up to its ratification in the Latvian Parliament. Whilst it is still addressed by the majority of the sources examined it is no longer getting as high of an engagement which could be the direct cause for the decrease in content discussing the topic. Similarly to the prior weeks, the private jet flights of the former prime minister and current foreign minister are still at the centre of discussion. Concerning engagement, there is a noticeable trend of the comment section featuring more critical comments hence that questioning the credibility of the information expressed.
Read moreLatvia Monthly: Private Airplane Flights Taken by Krišjānis Kariņš
During the reporting month the main controversy that struck the Latvian public and was further incorporated in the disinformation narratives was the private airplane flights taken by Krišjānis Kariņš during his time as the prime minister. At the beginning of the controversy the amount spent on the flights was thought to have reached approximately 600 000 euros which already caused high criticism from the public and comparison to leaders of other similarly situated state leaders taking commercial flights. Thus, further creating the perception that life in other states is exceptionally better and such scandals are only prevalent in Latvia. The controversy continued to fuel discussions and continue to be discussed by the examined disinformation channels as new information showed that the actual amount spent on the private flights was 1 363 861 euros.
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