Estonia Monthly: Language policy: if Russian would “disappear” in Estonia in the “Latvian way”.
The Estonian social media and web-based media actors during the reporting month predominantly were focused on the Estonian/Russian language policy issues, human rights issues, democracy and trust towards elected officials, war in Ukraine as well as the international security situation in general. Accordingly, the main narratives that were spread over the social media were the following:
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Persistent COVID-19 Disinformation, Corruption Claims, and Waning
Whilst the authors remain the same and try to apply a similar video format and narrative as in previous weeks, the engagement is lower. Additionally, some content relating to corruption and low trust in government is getting more prominent among the opposition political party leaders however engagement remains low. Considering that in prior weeks content relating to COVID-19 was relevant due to members of parliament being required to temporarily wear masks, the low engagement on similar content could be attributed to lack of actual evidence of a reintroduction of restrictions or vaccines.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Escalating COVID-19 Conspiracies and Rising LGBTQ Education Fears
COVID-19 remains a topic that is capable of reaching a wider audience and more engagement. In comparison to last week additionally, to the already existing narrative of mandatory vaccines, content relating to various conspiracy theories is introduced. Additionally to COVID-19, content relating to the education of children regarding gender and overall lgbtq issues gained traction. The content both for COVID-19 conspiracy theories and the creation of panic around LGBTQ issues being taught to children came from the same accounts.
Read moreLithuania Weekly: Anti-Ukraine and Anti-Support Sentiments
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its spillover effects (the outlets highlighted a Russian drone exploding in NATO territory, calculations of Russian losses so far in the war, and Ukraine’s movement in the battlefield around Donetsk city; attempts of migrants to illegally cross the border with Belarus, after Lithuania decided to close two more border crossings with the country; a new rise in COVID-19 cases. Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania continued to actively promote the anti-government narrative, with the majority of most popular stories from this type of media outlet carrying this sentiment. Articles mainly targeted the whole government and judicial system, accusing them of dishonesty, bribery, and general incompetence. Kremlin-aligned media also emphasised the damage that the war in Ukraine causes to Lithuania and tried to promote the necessity of a truce, under any conditions.
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