Estonia Weekly: Distrust in the Government
This week posts over the social media and web-based news outlets were mainly focusing on the issue of Russian language status, economic issues, places of memory for the Soviet soldiers, as well as the “standard” Kremlin propaganda messages regarding the Estonian membership in NATO and European Union. Two “arguments” would highlight the week – that Estonian expenditures towards the national defense will destroy the production and manufacturing industry in Estonia, and that Estonian government would reinstate its independence and serve its citizens best, if Estonia would withdraw from EU and NATO and resume full scale economic ties with Russia. The main narratives of this week are as follows: that Estonian government intentionally is destroying production and industry in Estonia; the national policy of Estonia is discriminating Russian language; that Estonian government makes fun of the memory of Soviet soldiers who died in World War II by destroying their memorials; that war in Ukraine is a pretext to discriminate Russian language in Estonian schools for Russian speaking children; That while Estonia is a member of NATO and EU and until economic ties with Russia are restored, there is no independent Estonian government, that would care about interests of Estonian people.
Read moreLithuania Weekly: Protest’s Echoes
Kremlin-aligned outlets this week heavily concentrated on anti-government sentiments. Majority of the most engaged stories from this type of media covered domestic issues, harshly criticising either specific officials or the whole government in general. Issues related to Ukraine also remained of high importance, narratives concerning its prioritisation over Lithuania’s domestic issues and Ukraine’s “hardly possible” victory, were highly prominent. Of way lesser importance, but still prominent was the narrative covering war between Israel and Hamas. This time, far more articles emphasised military actions from Israel towards Gaza than in the previous period.
Read moreLatvia Weekly: Istanbul Convention and LGBTQ
From the findings of the examined week, similar disinformation narratives to prior weeks have been followed. The main topic discussed throughout the content of various authors across several platforms is the Istanbul Convention. As the Latvian parliament moved closer to allowing the registration of same-sex partnerships, disinformation from authors close to the opposition parties or within the opposition parties themselves followed. The content examined tends to group the Istanbul Convention and same-sex partnerships under one roof despite the former addressing issues of domestic violence against women which has nothing in common with the latter. The main narratives include that the Istanbul Convention will somehow affect children's teaching, which will be harmful. Additionally, a common narrative is that the United States is paying for the "lgbt propaganda" which is reflected in same-sex partnerships and the Istanbul Convention. However, when examining the sources to which the authors making such posts refer they lead to the United States government sites in which they talk about the budget given to fighting inequality of gender pay which has nothing to do with the lgbt movement.
Read moreLithuania Monthly: Lithuanian Schools Inundated with Bomb Threats in Coordinated Attack
Analysis of Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania reveals a continued focus on promoting the anti-government narrative. All top stories from these specific outlets carry negative sentiments targeting the government, in an attempt to turn their audience against the main ruling politicians and national institutions. During the reporting period, Kremlin-aligned media outlets emphasized the "failing education system" (due to the ongoing teachers' protests), commented on all the revealed candidacies for the forthcoming presidential elections, emphasized the government's inadequate response to false bomb threats and detailly analysed the case of Lithuanian defence chief Valdemaras Rupšys, misusing his state allowance.
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