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April 29th - May 5th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Concerns over EU and RailBaltic

During the examined week the common narratives concerned policies in relation to Russian citizens residing in Latvia and the European Union.

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March 11th - March 17th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly:  Economy and high taxes

This week, many posts focused on the economy, raising taxes and the budget.  Several posts claimed the misuse of state funds by politicians for political advertising.  Posts contended that the higher taxes are what is causing the economic downfall.  Some posts centred around the Ukraine war, as well, with claims that Kaya Kallas cannot guarantee that Estonian soldiers will not be sent to Ukraine.  there was also a story about an Estonian ambassador who was removed from a delegation flight to Japan because he was supposedly drunk, but no one will explain what happened.

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February 12th - February 18th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: School reforms and corruption

During the examined week, the content primarily surrounded domestic issues relating to school reforms, an investigative report on one of the opposition parties, and high living expenses. A common theme throughout the content examined is that all of the issues are directly linked to corruption and leading political parties potentially to create lower trust in government. Additionally, the content discussed often mentions how specific policies negatively affect children. Most notably, the disinformation actors from the opposition party "Latvia in the first place" were recently exposed for their intentional content creation, including disinformation narratives. From this week's findings, the disinformation actors that belong to the opposition party and their primary channels on social media are receiving significantly less engagement (the posts now reach less than fifty likes compared to the usual few hundred). Additionally, the content published now is milder in the disinformation narratives and trying to portray them more covertly or does not include them at all.

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January 29th - February 4th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Tucker Carlson, Biden and Putin

This week there were many more posts about the Estonian economy and the government being the one causing it because of the way they spend.  This week the poverty was blamed on the many officials in the Estonian government.  There were several posts about Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, one in which the poster wondered how an interview with President Biden would have gone, claiming that he would not even be able to understand the questions, much less answer them.  There was also a post listing the countries that owe their existence to Russia, which did not follow historical fact, and the poster stated that half of the world owes their existence to Russia and if the Russian government had ideas that were more similar to the west that many countries would join a Russian society of nations.

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