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June 3rd - June 9th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: RailBaltica and European Elections

During the examined week, the primary narratives related to domestic issues were that members of competing political parties attempted to discredit each other in competing for a seat in the European Parliament.

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June 3rd - June 9th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: TV Debates and European Elections

During this week, many posts and articles discussed the European Parliament votes and how TV debates have become propagandised by giving wins to different parties than those who received public support.

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May 27th - June 2nd, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Estonia Weekly: Taxes and Spending Cuts

In the reporting week, social media posts focused on a variety of different things, such as the tax ideas of the government, which are robbing the poor and helping the rich

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May 13th - May 19th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Fears of new prisons and raised taxes

During this examined week, two main narratives dominated the discourse, primarily the persecution of Russian speakers, including additional repression and encroachment by the government.

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