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November 6th - November 12th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Istanbul Convention and Traditional Family

At the centre of discussion during the examined week was the Istanbul Convention. Although the Istanbul Convention had been a widely addressed topic prior to the examined week, the voting on the submission of the Istanbul Convention to the judicial commission of the Latvian parliament made the topic of primary importance as the ratification of the Convention in the near future became seemingly likely. What is more, the disinformation narratives relating to the Istanbul Convention (being against the traditional family, introducing social gender, and reinforcing pedophilia) are commonly shared between the most vocal and popular members of opposition parties. The content examined targeted both Latvian and Russian-speaking audiences. The primary difference between the two is the lack of any engagement by the Russian speaking audience that would be critical of the narratives expressed.

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October 23rd - October 29th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Israel and Distrust in Government

This week’s disinformation was largely focused on internal issues, highlighting corruption and a pervasive distrust in government. While Telegram channels discussed the armed conflict between Israel and Palestine, these topics saw limited audience reach and engagement. The narratives imply a preparation for crisis by government officials at the expense of the public, alongside international issues being tied to local disinformation themes.​

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