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October 23rd - October 29th, 2023 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Protest Outside the Seimas

Kremlin-aligned media channels in Lithuania continued to broadcast anti-government sentiments to their audiences. Most of the top stories from this type of media covered domestic issues and widely commented on the work of the government or specific politicians, carrying a negative anti-government narrative. During this reporting week, Kremlin-aligned actors emphasised citizens’ growing dissatisfaction with the current government, referring to the protest held outside the Seimas. The invitation to the rally was supported by the Movement of Families of Lithuania (Šeimų Sąjūdis) and its related or formerly associated actors, as well as by the low-quality, pseudo-media websites. were numerous well-known Kremlin-aligned personas, such as Antanas Kandrotas-Celofanas. What was initially supposed to be a protest against specific tax turned into a general rally against the current government, broadly transmitting well known anti-government narrative. 

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