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January 29th - February 4th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Good Orban and Bad EU

During the examined week, the content primarily surrounded topics relating to China inspired by the visit of a political party from the opposition and corruption.  As examined in the prior weeks, there is rarely a focus on international affairs. Nevertheless, during the examined week, a credible Latvian news portal posted an article on the preliminary measures issued by the International Court of Justice in South Africa v Israel. The article was highly discussed on the X platform as it let out significant information from the ruling to portray to be more favourable to Israel. It even included statements made by Israeli officials as well as highlighted the wrongdoings of Hamas but not of Israel.

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January 15th - January 21st, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Demonised and controlled teachers

This week there was more talk about the economy, including Estonia's assistance to Ukraine and its effect on the budget and economy, as well as the salaries of the Estonian politicians and how they are being paid more than teachers and paramedics, even though they do less to contribute to society. A missile attack in Ukraine was also mentioned, as well as America's and Britain's assistance with this claimed deliberate strike against civilians that killed and injured many. The switch of language of instruction was also brought up, and some teachers are struggling with learning Estonian and are scared of losing their jobs. Finally, there was a video link posted about the deportation of non-Estonian citizens and how those who are simply expressing their opinions are going to be deported as well.

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January 8th - January 14th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Brussels dictate and misused donations to Ukraine

In the examined weeks, new disinformation narratives have appeared. The new disinformation narratives have an underlying message of the European Union not being beneficial for Latvia. The content surrounding the Green Deal and global warming does not question global warming as such but rather focuses on how these restrictions imposed by the European union are negatively affecting the Latvian economy and even comparing the European Union to the USSR. Nevertheless, content on such topics is not gaining significant engagement.

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December 18th - December 24th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Estonia Weekly: School System, Languages and Radio

This week there were several posts about the government changing the language of instruction for all schools to Estonian and how this is not possible because the children who attend the Russian schools do not speak Estonian well enough to be able to learn using the language.  This lack of learning Estonian was blamed on the government and how they have failed to integrate more Estonian into the Russian schools.  There were articles written about the former "Russian radio" changing its name to "Super radio" and these changes implied Russophobia.  Several posts also mentioned the corruption of the Estonian government.

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