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April 15th - April 21st, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: EU membership and national security

In the examined week the predominant themes among the content examined included the national security conception which limits media in the Russian language, the visit by Ursula von der Leyen and the benefits of European Union membership.

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April 15th - April 21st, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Vote of no confidence

This week most of the posts targeted Tallinn's politicians, especially after the vote of no confidence and voting.

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March 25th - March 31st, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Militarisation of Europe and new taxes

This week's posters were primarily focused on politics. An official channel posted twice about NATO, stating that after the Cold War, it is now a useless treaty, and after 2022, it has become the reason for the rapid militarisation of Europe;

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March 11th - March 17th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Russia and European Parliament elections

In the examined week, content primarily surrounded themes of corruption mainly relating to the former prime minister and current foreign minister Krisjanis Karins and Russia concerning potential threats from Russia, trade with Russia, and communication from the government regarding these issues as well as the treatment of Russian diaspora in Latvia. The narratives of corruption and harmful treatment of the Russian diaspora in Latvia have been present in the prior examined months, whereas the argument on Latvia to retain some form of economic cooperation with Russia resulted from an initiative in the parliament to ban all such activities. When comparing the audience's response regarding similar content concerning the treatment of the Russian diaspora in Latvia on different platforms (Facebook and Twitter), the engagement reached on Twitter is noticeably more critical, calling out the author's logistical inconsistencies and misrepresentation of facts.

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