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June 10th - June 16th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Pride Month and RailBaltic

During the examined week, the primary narratives surrounded domestic issues with a focus on the incompetence of the current government and the corruption within it. More attention has been given to the RailBaltic project, which the authors attempt to portray as an indicator of how corrupt the government is.

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December 25th - December 31st, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Zelensky and Istanbul Convention

In the examined week, there was significantly lower activity in the disinformation channels examined. Similarly as last week,  central topics are corruption and the Istanbul Convention. As seen in prior weeks, there is more activity in X which has also started to gain engagement. Nevertheless, the form of the content that reaches the highest engagement remains to be in video format and is reached in Tiktok or Facebook platforms.

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November 27th - December 3rd, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Domestic Violence and Corruption

From the findings of the examined week, there is a noticeable trend of the topic of the Istanbul Convention being decreasingly addressed in comparison to the prior weeks especially weeks leading up to its ratification in the Latvian Parliament. Whilst it is still addressed by the majority of the sources examined it is no longer getting as high of an engagement which could be the direct cause for the decrease in content discussing the topic. Similarly to the prior weeks, the private jet flights of the former prime minister and current foreign minister are still at the centre of discussion. Concerning engagement, there is a noticeable trend of the comment section featuring more critical comments hence that questioning the credibility of the information expressed.

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November 20th - November 26th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Istanbul Convention and Economic Struggles

At the centre of discussion of the examined week were two topics that have been prevalent in the disinformation content examined prior- the ratification of Istanbul Convention and the controversy surrounding private jet flights by the current foreign affairs minister and the former prime minister Krišjānis Kariņš. With Istanbul Convention getting closer to ratification which had been priorly articulated by the examined accounts as impossible the narratives now help to fuel their aspiration of dismissing the current parliament for which they are currently trying to obtain necessary votes for a referendum. In regard to the private jet flights, there is an overall agreement that this constitutes excessive spending however it helps the examined authors to further create the image of Latvia being corrupt, its people being poor and create and shape and overall narrative of not thrustworthy government. During the examined week, the volume of content examined was significantly lower than prior weeks. From the examined platforms, it follows same as the prior weeks- video content reaches bigger audiences and creates more engagement with Twitter and Telegram receiving the least engament and Tiktok and Facebook the most.

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