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February 19th - February 25th, 2024 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Two years on since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine

During this reporting week, Kremlin-aligned media were mainly concentrated on the upcoming Presidential elections and continued to spread anti-government sentiments. Even though this narrative is well-established, the current intensity of this narrative is remarkable: this may be directly associated with the Lithuanian elections due to take place later this year. Because of bypassing the years mark of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine during this reporting period, Kremlin-aligned outlets also discussed Russia’s war in Ukraine, claiming that “Lithuania will enter the war in Ukraine together with the Poles by sending their troops”. Articles criticised the government, stating that “Lithuania does not need the war with the Russians that this traitorous government is preparing “ and broadly portraying Ukraine’s victory as elusive and its government as “untrustworthy”. 

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January 29th - February 4th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Tucker Carlson, Biden and Putin

This week there were many more posts about the Estonian economy and the government being the one causing it because of the way they spend.  This week the poverty was blamed on the many officials in the Estonian government.  There were several posts about Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin, one in which the poster wondered how an interview with President Biden would have gone, claiming that he would not even be able to understand the questions, much less answer them.  There was also a post listing the countries that owe their existence to Russia, which did not follow historical fact, and the poster stated that half of the world owes their existence to Russia and if the Russian government had ideas that were more similar to the west that many countries would join a Russian society of nations.

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October 16th - October 22nd, 2023 by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Lithuania Weekly: Global Security, Anti-government Sentiments, and New Fundraisers

Alongside mainstream/independent media coverage of ongoing events and widely discussed topics, Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania further promoted the anti-government narrative. Almost all top stories from this type of media covered the work of the ruling government or specific politicians, as well the prioritisation of Ukraine over domestic issues. Hostile media not only continued to undermine Lithuania’s ongoing support for Ukraine, but also asked rhetorical questions about the need for humanitarian support elsewhere following the Hamas attacks on Israel, such as “how long will we have to wait until another fundraiser will appear to take our money?”. 

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October 16th - October 22nd, 2023 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Security, Policy Critiques, and Global Politics

The week's social media activity in Estonia centered on both global and national political issues. Security challenges, such as threats to the physical safety of Estonian schools, were a primary concern, with public discourse questioning potential links to Russian propaganda. The newly adopted vehicle taxation policy sparked varied reactions among citizens. Trade relations with South Korea and the European trade sphere were discussed as potential opportunities for Estonia. Many posts also addressed the situation in Israel. The predominant narratives cast doubts on the competence of national security services and politicians, criticized US foreign policy, and suggested that the Estonian government is not acting in the best interest of its people.​

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