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October 23rd - October 29th, 2023 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Language, Culture, and Geopolitical Tensions

This week, social media and news outlets in Estonia concentrated on educational policies, particularly the use of the Estonian language in schools with Russian-speaking students, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. There was notable attention given to a pro-Palestine demonstration in Tallinn. Discussions also touched upon the significance of Russian culture in Estonia and the potential EU enlargement to include Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia, arguing from a financial standpoint that these changes would not benefit Estonia. The narratives conveyed a sense of threat to language rights, misinformation about the Middle East, doubts about the benefits of EU enlargement for Estonia, concerns over the state of freedom of speech and assembly, and a belief in the deep ties between Estonian and Russian cultures.​

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October 9th - October 15th, 2023 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Free Speech, Conflict Comparisons, and U.S. Embassy Concerns

Estonian social media this week focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, freedom of speech issues, and the victimization of hate speech crime offenders. Additionally, there was skepticism about American activities in Estonia, particularly regarding the construction of a new U.S. Embassy in Tallinn. The narratives suggested that Israel's actions against Hamas are analogous to Russia's actions in Ukraine, that suppressing disinformation infringes on free speech rights, and that hate speech offenders are being unjustly victimized. The embassy construction is seen as harmful to the interests of Estonians and Tallinn residents.​​

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