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April 1st - April 7th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Economic decline and price increases

This week, most of the posts focused on the economy and taxes saying that the continuous economic decline and price increases are caused by the growing tax prices and new taxes, as well as the politician's incompetency with knowing how to help the economy that is in crisis.

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February 19th - February 25th, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Public Transport and NATO

In the examined week, the content primarily surrounded domestic issues relating to alleged corruption, the potential invasion by Russia, and the inability of NATO to protect the Baltic states. Such narratives have been employed by highly nationalistic content creators claiming to be supporters of Ukraine and those more aligned with the Kremlin narratives. The premise of the claim is that NATO is either ineffective not have the capability to protect the Baltic states or will not be willing to protect the Baltic states in the case of an invasion.

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January 15th - January 21st, 2024 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Friendship with China and faults of the USA

In the examined week, the main disinformation narratives discussed surrounded the cooperation between Latvia and China as well as potential war with Russia. Familiar to all content was to portray that media in Latvia does not provide impartial information and that the Western world and Globalists. In terms of platforms, most engagement is reached in TikTok. In comparison to prior months, content on Facebook is reaching less engagement.

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November 20th - November 26th, 2023 by Otto Tabuns

Latvia Weekly: Istanbul Convention and Economic Struggles

At the centre of discussion of the examined week were two topics that have been prevalent in the disinformation content examined prior- the ratification of Istanbul Convention and the controversy surrounding private jet flights by the current foreign affairs minister and the former prime minister Krišjānis Kariņš. With Istanbul Convention getting closer to ratification which had been priorly articulated by the examined accounts as impossible the narratives now help to fuel their aspiration of dismissing the current parliament for which they are currently trying to obtain necessary votes for a referendum. In regard to the private jet flights, there is an overall agreement that this constitutes excessive spending however it helps the examined authors to further create the image of Latvia being corrupt, its people being poor and create and shape and overall narrative of not thrustworthy government. During the examined week, the volume of content examined was significantly lower than prior weeks. From the examined platforms, it follows same as the prior weeks- video content reaches bigger audiences and creates more engagement with Twitter and Telegram receiving the least engament and Tiktok and Facebook the most.

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