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July 8th - July 14th, 2024 | Week 45 | Month 11

Lithuania Weekly: President’s Reinauguration Party

During this reporting week, among the events that sparked the most heated discussions online was the evening reception after President Nausėda’s reinauguration.

by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Main narratives:

  • doubts about the transparency of democratic elections;
  • general anti-government sentiments;
  • the incompetence of the current government;
  • discrediting Ukraine and its effort to win the war.


During this reporting week, among the events that sparked the most heated discussions online was the evening reception after President Nausėda’s reinauguration. Some of the names of the 2,000 guests led people to question the nature of the party. The public claims that the guest list, which included people with apparent ties to Russia along with people convicted or awaiting trial, shows that the president does not care about his reputation. Meanwhile, Kremlin-aligned media covered the inauguration party with headlines such as “Nauseating party of Nausėda”. The article’s authors not only question the legitimacy of the elections in Lithuania but also express his disgust with the whole idea of the inauguration party, stating: “We live in a country where elections are falsified, and because of such elections, the person appointed as the president organises a ball to which he invites 2,000 guests and celebrates electoral fraud at the expense of impoverished citizens”. The author further criticised Nausėda and undermined his oath to work for the benefit of Lithuania.

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