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July 29th - August 4th, 2024 | Week 48 | Month 11

Lithuania Weekly: Olympics at the centre of attention

Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania during this reporting week was focused on two main topics: a powerful storm that swept through Lithuania and the Olympics.

by Urtė Andriukaitytė

Main narratives:

  • general anti-government sentiments;
  • homophobic messages regarding intersex people;
  • the incompetence of the current government.


Kremlin-aligned media in Lithuania during this reporting week was focused on two main topics: a powerful storm that swept through Lithuania and the Olympics. The first topic was used to criticise the ruling government, blaming it for its unreadiness and inability to communicate with people about its coming, later on – for poor coping with its consequences. The second one was fully based on spreading homophobic messages: while the Olympics is meant to celebrate athleticism and unity, the Kremlin-aligned media has perpetuated harmful stereotypes and homophobic narratives surrounding the event. Some media outlets have focused on the inclusion of trans athletes in the Olympics, basing it on the example of an Algeria boxer (who is an intersex person), promoting narratives that perpetuate harmful stereotypes and misconceptions about gender and sexuality. Such coverage relied on outdated and inaccurate medical information as well as selective information, quickly spreading the news that the boxer was a man who switched his gender. This type of reporting contributes to a climate of fear and discrimination against not only trans but also intersex people.

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