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August 12th - August 18th, 2024 | Week 50 | Month 12

Latvia Weekly: Alleged Governmental Corruption

During the examined week the narratives were similar to prior weeks focusing on issues relating to the Green Deal and the European Parliament, incompetence of the current government and lgbtq and gender issues.

by Otto Tabuns
Main channels: Facebook, TikTok, Twitter


Main narratives:

  • the incompetence of the current government


The disinformation narratives were mainly concentrated on domestic issues relating to corruption and the incompetence of the current government.

In adition to RailBaltica as an example to the aformentioned issues, to further the narrative two recent events were widely disccussed. The first one being the costs of an an art installation in Old Riga and the second one – the repatriation of children from Spain. In both instances emphasis was put on the seemingly unreasonable costs and allegations of corruption within the government. 

Tiktok remains the platform with the most engagement as well as the platform with most engagement by Russian speakers, followed by Facebook which reaches considerable engagement and has less bot activity.

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