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May 20th - May 26th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: NATO support questioned and Russian schools

In the reporting week, social media actors were focused on writing about Kaya Kallas, her disbelief in the help that NATO would bring if Estonia were attacked, and her role in the growing poverty levels in Estonia.

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May 13th - May 19th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Russian schools and NATO support questioned

In the reporting week, social media actors were focused on writing about Kaya Kallas, her disbelief in the help that NATO would bring if Estonia were attacked, and her role in the growing poverty levels in Estonia.

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March 25th - March 31st, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Militarisation of Europe and new taxes

This week's posters were primarily focused on politics. An official channel posted twice about NATO, stating that after the Cold War, it is now a useless treaty, and after 2022, it has become the reason for the rapid militarisation of Europe;

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March 4th - March 10th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Cars and Estonian schools

The bulk of the posts focused on the switch in the language of instruction in Estonian schools, the issues that will arise, and how the government will do nothing about it except create a Potemkin village. There were also many posts regarding new taxes on things such as cars and pensions, with the Conservative Estonian People's Party calling for people to protest by stopping their vehicles because protests are the only way to get the government's attention. Finally, there were posts about Estonia being pushed by the West towards war with Russia and posts about Kaya Kallas trying to appear as non-Russian as possible.

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