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January 22nd - January 28th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: High living expenses and rightful actions of Russian Military

This week, posters were mostly focused on the Estonian economy, with posts focusing on taxes and tax brackets, which according to them, impact the average citizen more than the rich.  Some posts wrote about the politicians giving the rich people more leniency.  There were also many posts about the high electricity bills and cost of living in Estonia, and how this was all caused by Kaya Kallas and her parliament.  Finally, the Russian embassy in Estonia shared a post from January which tells about Ukraine's attempt to have Russia labelled and aggressor state.  The post mentioned that this attempt was unsuccessful, and flipped the narrative around, claiming that Ukraine was targeting civilian areas, while the Russian army was only targeting miliary targets.

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January 15th - January 21st, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Demonised and controlled teachers

This week there was more talk about the economy, including Estonia's assistance to Ukraine and its effect on the budget and economy, as well as the salaries of the Estonian politicians and how they are being paid more than teachers and paramedics, even though they do less to contribute to society. A missile attack in Ukraine was also mentioned, as well as America's and Britain's assistance with this claimed deliberate strike against civilians that killed and injured many. The switch of language of instruction was also brought up, and some teachers are struggling with learning Estonian and are scared of losing their jobs. Finally, there was a video link posted about the deportation of non-Estonian citizens and how those who are simply expressing their opinions are going to be deported as well.

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September 4th - September 10th, 2023 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Pro-Russia Sentiments, NATO Skepticism, and Free Speech Concerns 

Issues of trade, NATO, Russian language, Estonian language policy, municipal politics and freedom of speech were covered this week in Estonian social media channels and websites. The main narratives were related to the importance of securing good trade relations with Russia, which is a key to Estonian business success. Also, the reliability of NATO was questioned in the narrative over the upcoming exercises. Reforms in Estonian education policy sparked comments on how it will relate to Russian language use in Estonia, while recent legislation that would prevent hate speech was marked as an end of the freedom of speech in Estonia.

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