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April 29th - May 5th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Selfish politicians and Russian culture

This week, posts were mostly targeted towards the government and how the Centrist Party will be blamed for the failures of other politicians.

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April 22nd - April 28th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Russian orthodox church

This week's posters focused on the Russian Orthodox Church in Estonia, and how with the government calling the church and patriarch a terrorist organization, they are calling all believers terrorists.

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January 1st - January 7th, 2024 by Olevs Nikers

Estonia Weekly: Centrist party and people of Tallinn at the centre of attention

This week there continues to be a lot of discussion about the politicians who left the Centrist Party, stating that they are liars who went against the will of their constituents. There was also a lot of discussion about Zelensky's arrival in the Baltics, Estonia's relations with Ukraine, and about sending Ukrainians back to fight in the war. There was also mention of the economic downturn and the people blaming the richer cities.

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