Estonia Weekly: Ukraine and mistrusted politicians
This week there was more talk about the economy, including Estonia's assistance to Ukraine and its effect on the budget and economy, as well as the salaries of the Estonian politicians and how they are being paid more than teachers and paramedics, even though they do less to contribute to society. A missile attack in Ukraine was also mentioned, as well as America's and Britain's assistance with this claimed deliberate strike against civilians that killed and injured many. The switch of language of instruction was also brought up, and some teachers are struggling with learning Estonian and are scared of losing their jobs. Finally, there was a video link posted about the deportation of non-Estonian citizens and how those who are simply expressing their opinions are going to be deported as well.
Read moreEstonia Weekly: Centrist party and people of Tallinn at the centre of attention
This week there continues to be a lot of discussion about the politicians who left the Centrist Party, stating that they are liars who went against the will of their constituents. There was also a lot of discussion about Zelensky's arrival in the Baltics, Estonia's relations with Ukraine, and about sending Ukrainians back to fight in the war. There was also mention of the economic downturn and the people blaming the richer cities.
Read moreEstonia Monthly: Estonian government changing the language of instructions in all schools to Estonian
The Estonian social media and web-based media actors during the reporting month predominantly were focused primarily on the war in Ukraine, America’s role, as well as the international security situation in general. They also focused on Estonian and Ukrainian relations, and President Zelensky’s call to draft more Ukrainians for the war. This month the attention turned more toward the Estonian government budget, and how it will affect the low-income families and people of Estonia. Attention was also given to the Russian schools and Estonia’s language policy surrounding the change in language of instruction. Accordingly, the main narratives that were spread over the social media were the following:
Read moreEstonia Weekly: Vaccines, Centrist Party and Russian Language
This week there were claims that the centrist party members moving to the socialdemocrat party is causing the centrist party to lean more eastward and the politicians who left are doing to be a bigger part of the government and advance their careers even though it goes against the wishes of the people. COVID vaccinations were also claimed to have been lied about in the beginning of the pandemic and stated that western leaders said they took the medicine but 17000 people who took it, died. There were also articles about the Estonian Language Department and their erasure of Russian language from old mechanics, because they believe that it may threaten the Estonian language.
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