Main disinformation narratives:
- Anti-government
- Malign western influence
- Anti-LGBT
This week reflects the main processes in the world and national politics. Activity in social media is focused on security challenges within Estonian society, threats were received in Estonian schools, that were directed to physical security, questioning whether if there is relation to the Russian propaganda and other relate forces. A legislation was adopted with regards to the vehicle taxation policy, which is regarded by different opinions in the society. South Korea earned the attention over the social media, that Estonia could benefit to the South Korean and European trade. Many posts are related to the situation in Israel. The main narratives are naming the national security services as incompetent, that national vehicle taxation policy is a fail. and will lead to collapse of the market, US is dominating in the world politics only for its narrow economic and political interests, that Estonian politicians are incompetent in the domain of the world trade and economy, that state of Israel is a fail of US hegemonic policies of the cold war era and Estonian government is working against Estonian people